Sunday, June 08, 2008
Crash and Burn.....
And it's one more punchline I forgot to learn
I call you up when my bottle's dry
I'm on my way to crash and burn...
...Well, it's laughter that comes up when I cry for you
And my heart may break again before it learns
And I might be stupid enough to want to fall again
Cause I've gotten use to the crash and burn...
Monday, June 02, 2008
My Army psych
Being free to explore the world is the freedom you appreciate most. You are not ready to settle in one spot just yet - you want to go see and experience as many cultures as you can. You're someone who will shun routine and, although you may value security, it does not stop you looking for new experiences, travelling without limits. Leading others is something that comes easily to you... you are assertive and happy to make decisions, boldly facing the consequences. You learn best from being in places that give you the knowledge to form your own interpretation. Satisfaction comes from helping others: you're generous, caring and want to make a difference. An employer would value your compassion. In the next few years you want to realise some big dreams - you are going to make a difference, wherever and whichever way you can. It’s good to know you can rely on the unconditional love your best friend gives you. You can trust them to lend a listening ear and support when you need it. Everyone sees you as cool, calm and serene. Your balanced character is definitely an attraction. You can see yourself helping others, sometimes sharing an umbrella is enough... but in the bigger picture you really want to get out there and make a difference. Keeping your head down and conducting self control is the best way for you. You respond to new ideas - education is about enrichment. There’s a part of you that’s keen to escape to un-chartered territory. The mystery of the unknown is appealing to you, and with your inquisitive nature, who knows where your next adventure will lead you?
It seems that you are happy to take control, you enjoy making decisions and discover new things. When you can, you like to escape from your day-to-day routine, grab a little downtime. Maybe you're too busy, or you're bored - whichever it is, you like to switch yourself on standby when you can. Most of the time you and your friends like to drink a bit and fool about. You are a confident, flirty bunch... if a little raucous - you all like to have a laugh and stick together through thick and thin. You like to put the time in and work hard. That said, you have plenty of time for people and communication is your strong point. Given your choices, you seem to appreciate taking time out. You like the opportunity to think, maybe dream a little too...
For the people I've lost...

So, here's my nephew one year on, plus a haircut ;) It's so strange how time goes by so fast! It only feels like yesterday he was being born. He's almost walking and talking, despite the fact we can't understand a word he says, irritating him just as much I would have to guess.
He has the cutest laugh and the strongest grip, Seriously don't get in between him and the keyboard, he likes to type like daddy! Cyber geek already...
The little things hey...